Top 3 Factors for Planning an Effective Correctional Screening Process

Accurate and effective screening at correctional facilities requires more than just up-to-date, advanced detection technology for corrections.

It requires good planning to be able to put that detection technology for law enforcement to its best use.

A good screening process actually begins long before the acquisition of detection technology […]

Accurate and effective screening at correctional facilities requires more than just up-to-date, advanced detection technology for corrections.

It requires good planning to be able to put that detection technology for law enforcement to its best use.

A good screening process actually begins long before the acquisition of detection technology for corrections and involves these three important steps.

  1. Funds Allocation for Detection Technology - Before working on planning or setup, corrections facilities must first generate the funds necessary to allocate toward the purchase of detection technology for law enforcement. The process used as well as the place and way that equipment is set up within the facility will depend on which technology is acquired. Facilities that may not have the budget for more advanced scanners and technology should consider whether a Justice Assistance Grant can help them access the best units for their facility based on need, rather than simply what can be afforded without additional funds. 
  2. Screening Process Plan - Once funding for detection technology has been accounted for and the facility understands what technology they will have access to, a screening strategy can then be developed. Protocols using all available screening technology should be developed that include who must be scanned, how often they should be scanned, and how screenings for deliveries, inmate cells, and other locations must be undertaken as well. Full training on all detection technology should be provided and compliance with the screening process demanded. 
  3. Equipment Setup Within the Facility - Lastly, after creating a screening strategy and understanding which detection equipment will be available for use, the facility can then decide where it makes the most sense to set up its various detection technology for the easiest, safest, and most thorough use. Position full-body scanners at intake points as well as any other locations where inmates, staff, visitors, and delivery personnel can go in and out. Scanners at kitchen entrances can prevent inmates working there from removing weapons and scanners at delivery points and mail rooms are also important. Essentially, every location where people or things can be moved in and out should be protected with contraband detection technology for corrections

Keeping corrections facilities safe requires them to not just invest in the best detection technology for law enforcement, but also to use it effectively.

With a good security screening plan that starts with raising funds for the type and number of scanners necessary to fully service the facility and then determine the best places to set those units up, facilities can perform faster and more accurate contraband detection.

Understand How the VA Rates PTSD Disabilities for a Better Rating

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a debilitating mental health disorder that is unfortunately common in military veterans, negatively affecting their lives.

VA PTSD disability ratings are essential for getting the financial assistance that is so critical to sufferers of this condition.

Yet going through the VA PTSD disability claims […]

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a debilitating mental health disorder that is unfortunately common in military veterans, negatively affecting their lives.

VA PTSD disability ratings are essential for getting the financial assistance that is so critical to sufferers of this condition.

Yet going through the VA PTSD disability claims process can be troublesome for many.

These tips from VA PTSD disability claims experts can help veterans understand the process better so they might get through it more easily and with greater success. 

PTSD Ratings Are On A Percentage Basis

Firstly, VA PTSD disability ratings are made on a percentage basis like other disability ratings, but the scale is somewhat different.

In standard VA disability ratings, the degree of disability is rated from 0% to 100% in 10% increments.

VA PTSD disability claims are rated at 0%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100%.

Among these ratings, 30% is considered mild and treatable with medication and therapy, 50% is more significant with some effect on work and daily life, 70% means a veteran’s PTSD causes significant difficulty in their work and personal life, and 100% suggests the veteran is not able to function normally due to their PTSD. 

Benefits Awarded Based on Disability Rating

Like all other VA claims, benefits are awarded based on the disability rating the veteran receives after their claim is reviewed and their C&P exam is complete.

When ratings are low or the veteran believes it should be higher, they can appeal the decision and seek a new rating.

Many times, low ratings happen when veterans attempt to downplay their symptoms or the true severity of their occupational and social impairment.

As difficult as it might be, VA PTSD disability claims experts stress the importance of veterans being honest about their symptoms and how significantly they are affected by their PTSD. 

How Is A Denial Appealed?

When a veteran receives a denial letter or a low rating for their VA PTSD disability claim and an appeal is necessary, it is important to gather supporting evidence to help to illustrate the level of impairment being experienced.

Veterans should consider seeking help from a VA PTSD disability claims expert who can help them prepare their claim and include evidence such as buddy statements, occupational statements from work, full medical history and records, and any other related evidence. 

Seek Help Handling PTSD Disability Claims

PTSD is a terrible condition that many veterans combat every day. VA PTSD disability benefits are available to those who receive disability ratings based on their degree of impairment.

Veterans receiving denial letters or who feel as though their rating is too low should seek the assistance of an experienced VA PTSD disability claims expert who can help them appeal the decision and seek a more appropriate benefits rating.

What Is A VA Lifestyle Impact Claim?

Disabled veterans face many challenges in life due to their disabilities.

In some cases, their service-connected disability can even bring about additional quality-of-life problems.

When covered service-connected disabilities result in secondary mental health problems, some veterans may also be eligible to file VA lifestyle impact claims and gain additional […]

Disabled veterans face many challenges in life due to their disabilities.

In some cases, their service-connected disability can even bring about additional quality-of-life problems.

When covered service-connected disabilities result in secondary mental health problems, some veterans may also be eligible to file VA lifestyle impact claims and gain additional benefits. 

Lifestyle Impact Claims With The VA

What is a VA lifestyle impact claim?

It is a claim made for a mental health condition that arises secondary to a service-connected disability.

In many cases, this arises as depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems that develop over time due to disability-caused changes in the veteran’s life.

Whether due to the inability to mobilize freely, being unable to care for oneself, suffering from PTSD, or even experiencing chronic pain, if these service-connected conditions are found to cause mental health symptoms, those secondary symptoms can be addressed in a VA lifestyle impact claim

What Are the Qualifications?

How does one qualify for a VA lifestyle impact claim?

Eligible veterans must have a primary service-connected, rated disability that is causing mental health symptoms due to the inability to live a normal life.

The primary disability might be the cause of these symptoms or be making existing mental health conditions worse.

In either case, mental health problems that are determined to be connected to quality-of-life issues related to primary disabilities are usually covered under these claims. 

How to File These Claims

How are VA lifestyle impact claims filed?

It is critical that VA lifestyle impact claims be filed as a secondary claim to an existing disability claim.

A mental health diagnosis attributing the condition to the primary disability must be made.

The claim must include a nexus letter connecting the mental health condition to the primary disability.

Once the veterans VA lifestyle impact claim is submitted, veterans should then expect to be called for a C&P exam, as these are almost always required.

Will Benefits Increase?

Can filing for VA lifestyle claims help increase benefits?

Yes, it can.

If a mental health condition is attributed to a primary service-connected condition and found to further reduce a veteran’s quality of life, their disability rating could be raised, increasing their benefit pay or providing other benefits. 

Seek Help Filing A VA Lifestyle Impact Claim

Veterans dealing with quality-of-life mental health issues secondary to their main service-connected disability can file a VA lifestyle impact claim; however, it is essential that these claims be filed the right way.

To improve the chance of approval, veterans can seek VA lifestyle impact claims help from an experienced VA claim specialist to discuss their situation.

The Challenge of Winning a CUE Claim With the VA

Proving a service connection to receive VA benefits is one of the more difficult parts of applying for those benefits.

Many veterans applying for VA disability benefits are denied if the VA rater assigned to review their case is not able to make a service connection to their injury […]

Proving a service connection to receive VA benefits is one of the more difficult parts of applying for those benefits.

Many veterans applying for VA disability benefits are denied if the VA rater assigned to review their case is not able to make a service connection to their injury or condition.

Yet raters can make mistakes and when a veteran feels a mistake has been made, they can try to open a Clear and Unmistakable Error or CUE case to have the issue re-considered. 

What Is Considered a Clear and Unmistakable Error?

A clear and unmistakable error or CUE is what a veteran dissatisfied with a rating denial hopes to prove when seeking a re-consideration of their VA disability benefits claim.

These cases are permissible when veterans believe their rater omitted details on their medical record or other proof of their condition or its connection to service duty.

If the veteran can prove that the rater’s decision is incorrect and that incorrect decision resulted in their denial of VA benefits, their service connection could still be established and the veteran could be approved for disability benefits. 

The Difficulty of Proving A CUE Case

The issue with CUE cases is that proving the error is extremely challenging.

Finding an “unmistakable” error in the rater’s decision that an adjudicator would also consider unmistakable itself is difficult.

Beyond that, arguments for CUE can only be based on whatever information was available to the rater at the time the VA benefits claim was initially reviewed and rejected.

New medical records and other new details that were not available at that time, even if they today establish a connection, are of no value. 

Problems In Getting Prior Rating Information Evidence

When attempting to prove a clear and unmistakable error, the veteran can only do so with the information and judgment used by their rater at that time and getting such information to review can be equally challenging.

In addition according to VA benefits help experts, information that was held by the VA but not available to the rater at the time of the denial that could have proven connection had it been available is another concern that anyone filing a CUE case must consider and find a way to access. 

In Summary

What can a veteran claiming VA disability benefits do in these instances when CUE cases might be valid?

Between the challenge of getting information from the VA on which to base a CUE case, the rules on what information is and is not permissible, and the many other small details that can influence the veteran’s ability to prove CUE, the best recommendation is to seek VA benefits help from an experienced rating expert outside of the organization.

Proving CUE is one of the hardest things for any veteran with a verifiable service-connected disability who has been denied a claim to do.

VA benefits help experts with the knowledge and awareness of which information is required to prove CUE and where it can be accessed can help.

How To Most Effectively Utilize Full Body Scanners In Correctional Facilities

Full body scanning makes security checking in correctional facilities a much faster, safer, and easier process.

Still, unless they are properly used, full body scanners for corrections may not be as effective as they are intended to be.

For any facility to utilize its scanners to the fullest, these […]

Full body scanning makes security checking in correctional facilities a much faster, safer, and easier process.

Still, unless they are properly used, full body scanners for corrections may not be as effective as they are intended to be.

For any facility to utilize its scanners to the fullest, these important tips must be implemented to ensure the best use of this powerful security equipment.

Fully incorporated into a security program, their cost is well justified for how they improve prison safety in a multitude of ways.

  1. Proper Image Analysis - Designed to create detailed images that detect everything from drugs and weapons to specific body parts and human tissue, it is essential that advanced full body scanning be done correctly for them to create quality images that can be accurately screened.
  2. Continuous Training and Reporting - Employees using full body scanners for corrections must undergo specialized and continuous training on their full body scanning machine and software as well as be kept up to date on software changes to ensure proper and safe use of this equipment. Likewise, supervisors in charge of this equipment should maintain regular reports to analyze the success of their scanning program and make corrections as needed to increase effectiveness.
  3. Policies and Protocols - To keep a high level of accuracy and scanning success, facilities should create policies on the use of full body scanning equipment according to the manufacturer’s safety and operational instructions as well as protocols that serve their facility best in terms of building security and contraband detection.
  4. Use of Advanced Features - Regardless of how technologically advanced that full body scanners for corrections may be at a facility, the advanced features offered by each unit should be well understood and implemented as part of an effective security screening policy. Those features are designed to make scanning easier and safer and do little good if they are not used or used incorrectly.
  5. Regular Upgrading - Like all other technology, full body scanning technology is upgraded from time to time, whether in terms of software for existing unit or the development of more advanced, more capable units. Software upgrades should be implemented on time as soon as they are available and new, more advanced equipment upgrades made as soon as financially feasible.

Full body scanning for corrections is proven to be one of the most effective means of detecting contraband and keeping prisons safe.

For these machines to actually do their jobs correctly, full body scanners for corrections must be utilized properly, updated regularly, and all employees kept well trained on this equipment.

What Are the Surprising Benefits of Foot Masage Therapy?

One of the most pleasing treatments after a long day of standing is getting a foot massage as just about anyone can enjoy it.

There are many benefits to foot massage therapy as well, especially when received from a professional therapist.

What Are The Benefits of Foot Massage Therapy?


One of the most pleasing treatments after a long day of standing is getting a foot massage as just about anyone can enjoy it.

There are many benefits to foot massage therapy as well, especially when received from a professional therapist.

What Are The Benefits of Foot Massage Therapy?

With their training on how to release all those important benefits, foot massage therapists do so much more than just get the kinks out of sore, tired feet.

As it turns out, the feet are instrumental to overall health and massaging them activates many important body systems and functions.

Here are just some of the great reasons to go to a massage salon for an incredible, healing foot massage!

  • Improved Circulation - Feet are the lowest part of the body and the part that is most likely to need circulatory help. A great foot massage loosens the foot muscles and stimulates the flow of blood and oxygen through the feet and the rest of the body.
  • Reduces Edema - Massage can also alleviate fluid retention in the feet and lower legs, which is especially helpful for pregnant women, diabetics, and anyone with circulatory issues.
  • Relief of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - A cumulative effect of improved blood and oxygen flow gained with foot massage therapy is a boost of serotonin and dopamine and a reduction in cortisol. These effects reduce stress conditions and the associated anxiety and depression that can happen because of physical body stress.
  • Improved Immune Function - Improved circulation and reduced stress after a thorough foot massage can boost immune function by helping white blood cells flow through the body more easily, allowing them to stay protective.
  • Lower Blood Pressure - An added benefit of the stress and anxiety relief that occurs with a foot massage is lower blood pressure, which also contributes to better circulation.
  • Heals Foot Injuries Faster - Improved circulation, edema reduction, and a more active immune system promote faster healing of foot injuries and foot pain.
  • Better Sleep - A great foot massage can even help people sleep better due to greater feelings of relaxation and stress relief.

Enjoy The Benefits of Foot Massage Therapy!

With all of these amazing benefits, it is easy to see why a foot massage is such a desired treatment.

Though they are easy to do at home, chances are anyone who has never had a visit with a skilled foot massage therapist has no idea what they are missing.

Make an appointment for a therapeutic foot massage and experience these and other healing effects today!

How does Massage Therapy Help With Chronic Pain Management?

Getting a massage is one of the best ways to relax after a long week; however, what many people may not realize is that massage therapy is also an effective non-medicinal treatment for pain.

Regular visits to massage therapy salons are a great choice for anyone dealing with chronic […]

Getting a massage is one of the best ways to relax after a long week; however, what many people may not realize is that massage therapy is also an effective non-medicinal treatment for pain.

Regular visits to massage therapy salons are a great choice for anyone dealing with chronic pain.

The science behind pain, and how the body reacts to it, backs that claim up with proof.

Understanding the Cycle of Pain

The cycle of pain in the body is a complicated one, especially in cases of chronic pain due to illness, injury, medical treatments, and others.

Pain causes elevated levels of stress in the body, which results in elevated cortisol levels, tighter muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and other symptoms as the body remains in a constant state of fighting off whatever the pain-causing problem is.

Over time, this can result in a lack of mobility and flexibility as well as overall fatigue, side effects of the body trying to protect itself that ironically results in - more pain.

How to Break the Cycle of Pain

Breaking the cycle to give everything a rest is the goal of pain relief.

Pain medication that dulls certain reactions in the body is one way to do it; however, for those who wish to avoid pain meds as much as possible, massage therapy is another great option.

Proven to be effective, massage works by stopping or slowing the pain cycle, giving the body a chance to rest and heal and catch up with itself.

How Does It Happen?

Massage therapy works by loosening tight muscles, promoting blood and oxygen flow, and restoring flexibility and mobility again.

Additionally, massage is proven to reduce the release of cortisol, the hormone that holds the body in its “fight or flight” condition, while promoting the release of serotonin and dopamine, two feel-good hormones that create soothing calmness in the body.

This positive effect on the body’s hormones, combined with the loosening of tight muscles, reduces stress overall and interferes with the pain cycle, allowing the body to recover, rather than continue hurting.

Let Massage Help Deal With Your Pain

Chronic pain can be awful to deal with, especially for those who do not like to rely on medication to relieve it.

Massage therapy salons with well-trained therapists offer a natural and equally effective alternative to pain medication.

Using different techniques like Swedish, trigger point, hot stone massage, and others, comfort may be right around the corner.

A regular schedule of massage can give chronic sufferers a new outlook on healing and on living life to the fullest again.

Important Tax Changes for Filing Your Return in 2022!

Tax time is right around the corner, and just like every other year, tax services are advising their clients that there are some changes in 2022 to consider when sending in your 2021 income taxes.

Though this year’s changes are minor, they still affect a large portion of the […]

Tax time is right around the corner, and just like every other year, tax services are advising their clients that there are some changes in 2022 to consider when sending in your 2021 income taxes.

Though this year’s changes are minor, they still affect a large portion of the population.

Naturally, the easiest way to deal with any tax change is to have your tax return prepared by a professional tax service but for those who prefer to DIY, here are a few notes on what to look out for.

  • Charitable Contribution Deduction - Charitable donations made in 2021 to a qualifying charity can be non-itemized up to $300 per person or $600 per couple filing jointly. This is an increase of 100% from last year and applies to all whether itemizing deductions or taking the standard deduction.

  • Child Tax Credit Payments - Recipients of monthly government child tax credit payments must reconcile those payments to determine how this will affect their tax return. Recipients should be receiving Letter 6419, which states the amount of money received in 2021 and should be compared to what each family was entitled to based on the guidelines for this credit. Families that received less than their entitlement can claim the rest on their 2021 taxes. Those that received more than they were actually entitled must state that as well. Based on amounts received and entitlement, parents may get a higher or lower tax return. Those with questions about this change should discuss it with a professional tax preparation service, as they will be helping many parents to correctly reconcile their tax forms with regard to the child tax credit.

  • Recovery Rebate Credit - Anyone who did not qualify for the third Economic Impact payment sent by the government or did not receive the full amount may be able to file a recovery rebate credit for that money if they qualify. This can be calculated with Letter 6475 which states the amount of any impact funds received in 2021. Like the child tax credit reconciliation, stimulus payment recipients should reconcile based on their entitlement and how much was already received. Also, as with the child tax credit reconciliation, a professional tax service can help you calculate whether you qualify for impact funds not received so you can still get a payment.

While the tax changes for 2022 are minor, tax services still point out that they are important, especially for those who have received stimulus payments or child tax credits.

Avoid confusion with your filing by calling a professional tax preparation service that can help!

Image Quality And Interpretation When Scanning For Contraband

As detecting contraband like weapons, drugs, and other prohibited items becomes more and more challenging, detection technology for corrections must continue to advance in stride.

With an end goal of designing full body scanners for corrections that are all around faster, simpler, and more accurate, this involves ongoing development, […]

As detecting contraband like weapons, drugs, and other prohibited items becomes more and more challenging, detection technology for corrections must continue to advance in stride.

With an end goal of designing full body scanners for corrections that are all around faster, simpler, and more accurate, this involves ongoing development, especially where image quality is concerned.

A clearer, more defined image produced by a scanner allows security personnel using these machines to do their jobs more accurately, and with greater safety for everyone involved.

X-Ray Scanning is Not Foolproof

Though full body scanners are much more essential in a correctional facility than a metal detector, producing an actual x-ray image of the person undergoing scanning, interpretation of those images is not foolproof.

A person must still inspect the image generated by the scanner and determine whether any objects present are contraband, body parts, or another item altogether.

This leaves a certain margin of error, no matter how small that margin is becoming.

Full Body Scanners Solve Many Problems

One of the most effective ways that margin can be shrunk is through the development of full body scanners for corrections with higher image quality.

Detection technology that uses medical grade or higher image quality is no longer an option, but rather, a necessity for fast, safe, hands-off contraband detection.

Scanners that can detect the difference not only between physical items, bone and tissue but also between tiny packets of illicit substances and tissue, and can display them in enough detail that a human can make this determination have become a critical element in the fight against drug contraband in prisons.

Scanning Software Had Also Improved

Coinciding with the development of better image scanning capabilities is also the development of scanning software that can take on more of the burden of actually interpreting exactly what has been imaged.

Smarter software means less guesswork by those tasked with determining what the details in a high definition image reveal.

Though this technology is separate from the image scanning technology itself, it still requires the highest definition imaging capabilities possible.

Does Your Security Scanning Equipment Need Upgrading?

Collectively, the better the quality of the image produced by full body scanners, the easier it is for both humans and software to make accurate determinations on what those images depict.

As this detection technology for corrections facilities continues to improve in leaps and bounds, it is more important than ever that facilities continue to upgrade their security scanning equipment.

In doing so, the amount of contraband getting past scanners and the number of hands-on searches that must be performed will continue to decline.

Contraband Detection and the Ethics of Keeping Drugs Out of Prisons

Of all the contraband that does sneak its way past security points, illegal substances are the most preferred by inmates and the most difficult to detect, even with body scanners.

Fortunately, as body scanning technology continues to improve, detecting drugs is becoming easier; however, it will always be a […]

Of all the contraband that does sneak its way past security points, illegal substances are the most preferred by inmates and the most difficult to detect, even with body scanners.

Fortunately, as body scanning technology continues to improve, detecting drugs is becoming easier; however, it will always be a problem for correctional facilities.

Drugs Are A Wanted Item in Prisons

Behind prison gates, there is a booming economy funded by drugs that have somehow made it into the facility, whether on a person that has somehow evaded detection due to the use of less sophisticated scanning equipment or by some other means.

Drugs are always in demand, a commodity that someone is always looking to buy, no matter what the going rate might be at the time.

Cash, food, and favors can all be exchanged for the substances that have somehow made their way into the prison, creating a negative environment of haves and have-nots within the system and the wasting of funds that could and should be used in much better ways.

Entire drug-based debt systems exist among inmates in some facilities.

Illicit Drugs Causing Overdoses

Yet the worst of these issues is the number of overdoses still happening in facilities where drugs are not permitted and should not be getting past security points.

Inmate drug use has continued to rise as the years have passed, with record highs reported in recent years.

Sadly, the majority of those using within the system, many of whom actually start while in prison, go on to abuse and even overdose after release.

Real Need for Advanced Body Scanners

As detecting illicit substances gets harder, it is more important than ever before to have the best full body scanning technology in place to combat the issue.

Advanced body scanners that can now detect even soft substances like tiny packets of powder on or in the body with the ability to differentiate between human tissue and non-living materials are increasingly aiding in the detection of drugs before they make their way into the hands of an inmate.

Adding All this Up

For reasons both legal and ethical, prison facilities and any other facility where contraband scanning is required must address the ever-growing risk of drugs and other contraband entering by keeping up with the newer technology.

With the installation of more sensitive body scanning machines that can detect even the smallest amounts of drugs and strict compliance to their use, facilities can be safer and protect the lives of inmates, employees, and visitors alike.